Adventures in Finger Foods

Since Bebe B is now 9 months we have been trying more and more finger foods. A great one for breakfast is eggs! It is a simple recipe- just mix hard boiled egg yolks that have been cooled with plain yogurt- I used Yo-baby plain. It forms a paste perfect to spread on toast or bagel pieces. Perfect for those still too young for egg whites (Many recommend waiting till age one before introducing egg whites which have been know to cause allergic reactions in babies). Some other finger foods we have started include Happy Baby Organic Puffs (they come in Apple, Banana and veggie), Baby Mum Mums, ripe banana, mango, avocado, peach and plum. But you can tell she is a Wisconsin girl because she ADORES cheese. So far I have given her Baby Bel, Laughing Cow, and Organic Valley cheddar strips - all hits!


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