Puree Monday - Blackberry Banana Parfait

This is a great recipe with a bit of dimension yet still easy to make!  It’s also one of those recipes that grown with your bebe.  Blackberries are low in allergy risk so unlike some other berries they can be introduced before age one.  Bebe B first had this recipe at eight months and is still loving it today.  She loves to dip graham crackers in it too.  I have been perfecting a recipe for homemade (gluten-free) graham crackers that I will share soon.  Happy Feeding!

Blackberry Banana Parfaits - 7 Months+
1 cup fresh or frozen blackberries (thawed)
1/2 a banana
1/2 cup plain yogurt
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 Tbsp brown rice cereal (optional)

     Puree banana in a food processor or Beaba babycook until smooth.  Remove half of the pureed banana and reserve.  Add the blackberries, nutmeg and cinnamon to the food processor (with half the banana puree already in it) and puree till smooth.  A bit if the berry skin will remain, if you choose you can push through a sieve to remove, this will make the puree very thin like a sauce.  In a small bowl combine yogurt and the reserved banana puree with a soon until blended.  In a small cup alternate layers of yogurt mixture and berry mixture.  If desired crush up some of the cereal and top the parfait.  This recipe will keep up to 2 days in the fridge or up to 3 months in the freezer. .  Will fill about 3 ice cube tray (15-30 servings) 

WARNING: This recipe has been know to lead to messy faces!


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